Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting
CABAR Pillars
The work of CABAR is c entered around several key areas - pillars of CABAR work. They include:
We produce demanded and unique research in Central Asia. Our studies are widely used in academia and cited in conferences. Universities - UCA and KIMEP - ask us to share our know-how for their curricula.
Besides training, we organize internships, networking events, provide mentorship support, peer learning and best practices' exchange. We created a unique CABAR School with many opportunities for our talents. CABAR School was effectively replicated in FakeWatch initiative working in Africa. Our alumni reach new heights - they become mentors themselves, participate in international programs, publish works in well-acclaimed platforms, win prestigious prizes. is a recognizable brand
in Central Asia. It is the only resource providing objective, unbiased, fact-checked, high-quality narrative in 5 languages. We produce analytical and reporting articles, video- and photo-reports, infographics, longreads, caption videos, and started our own CABAR Podcast.
We link stakeholders in multi-level dialogue and maintain space for free flow of ideas conducting various events. Stakeholders learn from each other and search for solutions together. We conduct expert discussions on the most pressing issues - climate change, reforms, etc. They get popular attention.
We developed a mechanism for supplying Central Asian decision-makers with new perspectives — we identify problems, conduct series of expert discussions, gather recommendations, produce and distribute policy briefs.
Story so far
Working in Central Asia since 1990s, the Institute for War & Peace Reporting has been successfully implementing programs aimed at the development of civil society, building capacity of media and content creators, giving voice to the vulnerable, underrepresented groups and minorities, building respect for the rule of law and promotion of democratic values and human rights. Among representatives of the media, civil society and government bodies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, IWPR is best known for its educational programs, dialogue platforms and analytical articles about the region, which are published in English and Russian on the website. Capitalizing on the interest to the content IWPR has been producing throughout its project activities, IWPR launched the first regional analytical platform

The need for launch of such a website was noted during implementation of the previous projects, when IWPR staff noted the absence of the expert analytical content setting the knowledge-based discourse in the region. CABAR became a resource that filled in the gap in the analytical narration of the regional and domestic developments. CABAR gathered the independent voices, not replicating the official narratives and providing alternative views on many problems, conflicts, policies in Central Asia. CABAR became the foundation of the shift in analytical content production in Central Asia – from a descriptive and biased views to the in-depth, many-sided and alternative presentation of the drivers shaping the very reality people of Central Asian live in. With a continuous development of each of its components presented below, CABAR became the first regional think-tank utilizing international experience and linking local analysts and decision-makers for a sustainable development of the whole region.
Think-tank with research excellence
CABAR is regarded as the breakthrough regional think-tank influencing policy formulation. This is due to the unique nature of content CABAR produces and one-of-a-kind discussions it hosts.

CABAR produces demanded policy briefs, shaping the course of further research and policy discourse.

Over the recent years, CABAR team has produced demanded research on various topic, including on the status of civil society, status of media, and patterns of online news consumption in Central Asia. These studies are often quoted at the international conferences and serve basis for new research.

Down the road, CABAR is set to utilize the technologies of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning to maximize the effect of the studies performed.

Institute for War &
Peace Reporting Kyrgyzstan
Bishkek, Kievskaya str. 114/2, office 1
Tel: (+996) 312 313 411
Institute for War &
Peace Reporting Tajikistan
Dushanbe, Foteh Niyozi str. 19, office 18
Tel: (+992) 44 640 10 11